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Food and Finance High School Jamaican catering event

Jahqyad Austin

These pictures are from an event I helped to cater in as a team of food and finance high school students and our Chef, Chef Geoff. We made Jamaican jerked Cornish hen, mashed sweet plantains, sautéed purple cabbage, gravy and a garnish of thyme as the Main dish. A callalou and Scotch bonnet pepper pot soup and the Ontré. A vegan sautéed barley, corn and Spinage dish as an Ontré. A Akee and saltfish tart with mozzarella cheese, roasted cherry tomatoes and thyme as a garnish. For dessert we made A German chocolate coffee cup with passion fruit moose and sponge cake doused with Jamaican rum, garnered shed with a mint leaf.

The students and staff had a great time peeping, making, tasting, and plating the food. It was a very festive farm to table event in Brooklyn and a day to remember.

Big thank you to Chefs Geoff and Holliday. And also to the our catering event crew.

Sincerely your Cheftobe,

Jahqyad Austin


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