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Macarons that'll make you swoon

Updated: Jan 18, 2021

French Macarons with the Italian meringue method.


Grams Ounces

104 g Egg whites 3.6 oz

275 g Almond flour 9.7 oz

275 g confectioner’s sugar 9.7 oz

107 g Egg whites 3.7 oz

305 g Granulated Sugar 10.7 oz

134 g Water 4.7 oz


1. Combine the almond flour and 10x and blend in the food processor, then sift through a fine mesh sieve.

2. Using the paddle attachment combine the almond flour, 10x, egg whites, and mix into a paste; this paste is called a “Macaronage”.

3. Using the granulated sugar, whites, and water make an italian meringue cooking the sugar to 121C or when it reaches a boil for about 3 mins and is slightly thickened, there should be no color.

*Italian meringue - whipping the egg whites until foamy and then streaming in the hot sugar syrup)

4. When the meringue reaches 40C or the bottom of the mixer is cool to your wrist and the meringue is at a stiff peak with the attachment removed, in 3 additions fold the meringue into the macaronage.

5. Mix to desired consistency, when the batter is picked up with a rubber spatula it should flow back into the bowl slowly like lava, and form ribbons that fall into each other with a 10 count in between each other, about 20 folds, which may vary based on your meringue’s stiffness.

6. Pipe immediately onto a flat silpat or use a small circle cutter to draw a template onto parchment paper and pipe on the side without writing by flipping it over or use the parchment template under the silpat so it can be reused later.

7. Let dry and bake at 275 F for ~ 20 minutes. Rotating halfway through.

8. Allow to cool and dry before moving them off the silpat or parchment and filling them.

By : Jahqyad Austin


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